December 2013 Board Notes




Board Attended: Lauren, Damarra, John, Mike, Brian, Rin, Andy
Board Absent: Kim
Observers: JayColette, Heather, Kale, Kevin Ehrler, Dave Vetrovec, Viola Ganann


Clubs [JayColette]

only one 18+ clubs among the ones submitted by library
joint ATC/GPS booth for Pride?
contacted Registration for list of registered groups
no response re: Lantern Lighting Festival booth

SOS [Heather]

get-well card for Kim
no updates from Detour Hotel (Josh) re: confirmation of NYE party
CosplayFest will probably be postponed to late summer

Charities [Kale]

team of six
scoping initial projects to present to board

â–º possible responsibility of overseeing scholarship fund
vote passes with no objections

financials [Kim, via Dave]

independent fundraising does not include associated costs like room rental [Lauren]
2013 FY fundraising total: $6,116.99

Lauren would like people to self-impose timelines for their projects

bylaws [Lauren]

tweaking and submitting items to be voted on to Detour membership this week
Andy will print up ballots and submit to members eligible for previous board elections and are present (no absentee votes for bylaws)

newsletter [Lauren]

no requests or submissions thus far
plan for distribution in first week of January; want material two weeks beforehand
Andy will obtain e-mail database from Registration by new year

How to Start Anime Club [Brian]

no updates
will work better as hosted webpage rather than hard copies to be printed and distributed
aim to have text w/layout for board feedback via e-mail by next board meeting

weekend gaming event [John]

will get hotel bids within the next 2 weeks

IP policy [John]

material produced for Detour need to be officially owned by ATC
goal: draft by next board meeting

anime awards [John, Mike]

table for now, as probably will not have ready for AD 2014

anti-harassment policy [Rin]

thinking of ways how to train Detour staff
initial training should consist of chair, Division Heads, and department heads [Andy]
responsibility for training absent people falls to their immediate supervisor [Lauren]
Coordinators should be present [John]
trainings should have sign-in sheet [Dave]
start with all-inclusive training? [JayColette]
start with smaller closed-group training? [Brian]

Anime on the Big Screen [Mike]

will keep on third Sunday of month for now
may show Wolf Children in January

pamphlet [Damarra]

no substantial updates
aiming to have ready by end of January

ATC podcast [John]

30-minute informal discussion about a particular series, the industry, etc. every month
can use as a vehicle to plug events interspersed within entertainment content

Lauren will do board announcements at next staff meeting