Anime Twin Cities, Inc. Policies:

Policy ID Title Policy Board Meeting Ratified
2013.08.12.1 Minor Badge Price

Starting 2019 13-17:   $40 Flat Rate



meeting and index should be adjusted

August 12 2013
2013.08.12.4 Anime Detour Attendance Cap

The Anime Twin Cities board removes their restriction on the Anime Detour cap, and allows the Anime Detour Coordinator and their team to determine what the cap should be. 



Meeting/index should be adjusted to 2019.08.13.1

August 12 2013
2011.06.13.1 Establish Anime Twin Cities Community Fund
  • Proposal for LEG Community Fund
    • ATC would seed the fund for $5000 each year until we cap, should match up to another $5000
    • Tier mention and sponser badge
    • Add a donation site to the fund
    • Must be short a 1/3 or less - can give $10k maximum
    • Organization must have open books for us and cannot request donation after $2000
      • Must be member of the geek community - must be a part of the larger geek community
      • Would be at the persons’ discretion
      • Edit: “Must be a contributing member of the geek community” - may not succeed $11,999.99 because it will become taxable on a federal level
      • Our  fund is not available to board members of ATC or staff member of Anime Detour; this is for our community - we take care of our own
      • Fund would have a cap - “Cap may not be lowered below the current levels”
      • Matching of funds happens at the end of the year (Giff proposed end of fiscal year) - go with the end of the year, longer term fund
      • Kim: move to its own savings account fund
      • Will be a multi-organizational network of funds to assist the geek community; site to coordinate what we’re giving; must have clarity on these funds; each convention would have its own
      • If they contribute on the website you are a member of ATC
    • Anton moves that with the exception of staff edits, the proposal moves forward with the known addendums to the staff to delegated $5000 for seed funds (with the caveats for further discussion and the work)- But will release the funds; Damarra second; All opposed; Kale abstained
June 13 2011
2013.10.14.2 Publish financial summary

Publish financial summary pie charts and blurb

October 14 2013
2013.11.11.1 Anti-harassment policy

approve policy after Rin incorporates edits that have been discussed

November 11 2013
2014.04.14.1 Anime Detour Logo Permission

Grant Anime Detour Chair (or whoever s/he delegates) authority to determine who gets permission to use Detour logo

April 14 2014
2011.09.12.1 Board Procedure for Voting
  • Explicitly state all details of what is being voted on and its results.
  • Have Secretary read aloud typed vote details before vote is cast and send out results within 48 hours
September 12 2011
2014.05.12.1 Alcohol free policy

Lauren's motion to approve policy with Rin's edit, seconded by John

May 12 2014
2014.10.13.1 Anti-harassment policy

motion to vote on instituting policy with the understanding that Coordinators will meet to create a form for handling complaints that they will review with the board once they have 

October 13 2014
2015.03.09.1 Insurance claims

Any insurance claims must be voted on by the board

March 9 2015
2015.11.09.1 Procedure on Revising Board Notes

Having looked over all the notes, we have redacted 3-4 times. We redacted a legal situation, a name, a contract process we wrote the wrong name on. I believe there are the only times.

If we are stating opinions on people, we should use initials epically if we do not have the consent or they are not at the meeting. I do feel the comment in question;

November 9 2015
2016.07.11.2 Mission statement

Vote on mission statement. Votes for change. 

July 11 2016
2017.04.11.1 Anime Detour Badge Pricing

$45 at con

$50 Until Feb 1st

$60 Until Cutoff

$75 At the door

April 11 2017
2017.04.11.2 Anime Detour Staff Rate

Motion for $45 flat rate for staff

This policy was revoked in the following meeting. April 11 2017

April 11 2017
2017.08.08.1 ATC Branding Procedure

Andy Submitted a fully worded policy on a branding procedure for ATC and other branches.

This procedure outlines the steps involved in considering possible changes to Anime Twin Cities’ branding elements, which include, but are not limited to, logos and mascots. This procedure has three stages: Ideation, Development, and Review & Approve.

Troy Motions to approve the branding procedure as written. Kim Seconded. All in favor with Renee abstained. Motion Passes. 

August 8 2017
2018.01.09.1 Equipment Rental Request Process

Andy Motions to approve with changes about renting prior to Anime Detour. Kim Seconded. All in Favor. No abstentions.

January 9 2018
2018.02.13.1 Policy Indexing

Motion to approve the concept of the policy indexing to be maintained by the Secretary. Troy Motions. Renee Seconded. All in Favor.

February 13 2018
2018.03.13.2 Adult Early Bird Badge Price

Motion to keep regular badge price at $45 of early bird price and any potential 24h online opening after

March 13 2018
2018.03.13.3 Child Badge Price

Starting 2019 6-12:   $15

March 13 2018
2018.06.12.2 Equipment Rental policy

Rental policy approved by the ATC board at the January 2018 board meetingMotion to set the pricing at $150 for the nonrefundable rental fee, and a deposit of $200 conditioned on return of equipment once inspection and approval has been obtained.

June 12 2018
2018.10.09.1 Anime Detour Attendance Cap


Troy motions to raise the cap by 500 people. Tristan seconded. Those in favor: Andy, Kevin, Tristan, Jay, and Michelle. Kim opposes. Motion Passes.

This policy was revoked in the following meeting. October 9 2018

October 9 2018
2019.04.09.1 Badge Prices

Vote to keep the badge prices for 2020 the same as 2019. Andy motions. Tristan seconded. All in favor unanimous among all present.

April 9 2019
2019.04.09.2 Sunday Walk Up Registration Rates

Allow for Sunday walk up price at what ever the price for atc membership, currently $15. Starting ad 2020. Troy you and registration can determine how best to disseminate. Andy motions. Tristan seconded. All in favor. Unanimous among all present.

April 9 2019
2019.04.09.3 Cancellation of Board Meetings

Cancellations of an Anime Twin Cities Board Meeting must approved by a majority vote of Anime Twin Cities Board members. In cases of extreme endangerment to the board and membership a single meeting may be canceled by the President, or Vice-President in the absence of the President. All due diligence will occur to attempt to give at least a minimum 48 hour public notice of the board meeting cancellation; special attention will be given to communicate with our membership and partner organizations when such an event occurs.

April 9 2019
2019.04.09.4 Rescheduling Board Meetings

Anime Twin Cities Board Meetings shall happen on the 2nd Tuesday of every Month. Permanent (three or more meetings out of alignment in any given calendar year) changes to this schedule must be unanimously approved by the full board, including secretary, in a meeting no less than one month before a board election period or during the last meeting of an outgoing board. Temporary changes to this schedule must be approved by a 5/7th or greater majority. All due diligence will occur to give a minimum of 48 hour public notice of a board meeting being rescheduled; special attention will be given to communicate with our membership and partner organizations when a change occurs. To facilitate board and membership schedules, no meeting may be rescheduled without a minimum 72 hour notice before the new meeting is set to occur. This policy only applies to the public regularly scheduled meetings.

April 9 2019
2019.03.12.1 Ambassador Table Discount

Tristan motioned to VOTE: Contingent on the logistics being figured out before first con in May, Approving a $5 discount based on current pricing tier for AtCon ambassador tables (not to go below Sunday registration price).  Seconded by Jay.  All present Board members approved.  Vote passes

March 12 2019
2019.12.10.1 Attendance Tracking at Board Meetings

We will begin keeping track of attendance at board meetings. 

December 10 2019
2019.01.14.1 Ballots for elections will show Board Attendance

All ballots for elected offices in Anime Twin Cities will show the number of board meetings that person has attended in the last 12 months.

January 14 2020
2019.01.14.2 Anime Detour Staff Rate

Proposal that Anime Detour staff badges will be free to all staff that meet the requirements set by the Anime Detour Coordinator for the previous year. 

January 14 2020
2020.02.11.1 Coordinator Realignment

Coordinator positions will be reduced from 5 to 4, with Clubs being merged into Community. 

Media Relations title has been updated to Communications

Some responsibilities for coordinators have been rearranged. 

February 11 2020
2020.04.14.1 Detour Registration Rollovers and ATC Membership

If or when an anime detour badge is rolled over, the ATC membership and dues are included as well.   

April 14 2020
2020.04.14.2 ATC Board and Coordinator Staff Direction

The ATC board of directors can not dictate to any coordinator what the responsibilities of the coordinator's staff are, or how those staff are to fulfill those duties.

April 14 2020
2021.03.09.1 Electoral Procedures for Anime Twin Cities

Electoral Procedures for Anime Twin Cities

The procedures by which a member wishes to be considered a candidate for a position on the Board of ATC.


A member is not eligible to be a candidate if:

1) the member is not in good standing (suspended, banned, or currently being investigated for activity that will result in the former two conditions)
2) a current coordinator


A board member is expected to:

1) be 18 years old or older
2) experiences working with non-profit organizations, volunteer organizations, etc. and agree to attend the board training by the organization. 
3) has the capacity to commit to 3-4 hours a week of board related work
4) Reside within state geographic bylaw boundaries


The organization would like to see these characteristics from a candidate:

1) Some history/involvement with ATC events
2)  Attend ATC events as a representative
3) Ability and willingness to regularly attend the monthly board meetings


During the period up to the election, candidate is required to:

1) Prepare and deliver a 2-3 minute oral presentation specific to ATC, including their goals for serving on the board and positions on the future and operation of ATC. This should be viewable by at least all members.

2) Each candidate will participate, with a membership audience, in a question and answer session with current board members and coordinators. This session will be up to 30 minutes in length.

3) Each candidate will participate, with a membership audience, in a question and answer session with the organization's membership. This session will be up to 30mins in length.

March 9 2021
2024.02.13.1 Updated ATC Alcohol Policy

Alcohol may be provided by ATC for approved events, including the industry mixer and other similar industry events. When alcohol is provided by ATC, no member or attendee under legal age may take part in consumption of any alcoholic product. Those who choose to consume any alcohol take full responsibility for the consumption and their own actions. Further policies and limitations surrounding events where alcohol is provided will be under the scope of the coordinator running said event.

February 13 2024
2024.09.10.1 Updated Contract Signing Policy

The Anime Detour Coordinator (Chair) may delegate contract signing authority to selected individuals. This delegation must be documented, specifying the individuals, their roles, and the scope of their authority. Contracts over $5,000 require  approval from the Board of Directors before signing. The board must be made aware of any such delegated individuals at least 48 hours before their contract signing authority takes effect.

Signed contracts must be promptly uploaded to the ATC Documents shared drive, properly labeled with relevant details. A copy or notification must also be sent to the board email as well.

September 10 2024